英 [əd'vaɪzə]美[əd'vaɪzɚ]
- n. 顾问;劝告者;指导教师(等于advisor)
- a financial adviser
- 财务顾问
- a special adviser to the President on education
- 总统的教育特别顾问
- In Washington, the President and his advisers spent the day in meetings.
- 在华盛顿,总统和他的顾问们一整天都在开会。
- ...a careers adviser.
- 职业顾问
- She owes me $ 200; The thesis owes much to his adviser.
- 她欠我$200; 这篇论文亏欠了他的指导老师.
- To obtain the factual details, the adviser will complete a confidential questionnaire.
- 为了得到真实的细节, 顾问将填写一份机密调查表.
- The situation does not immediately lend itself to action on the part of the adviser.
- 顾问认为当前情况并不适合立即行动.
- Another adviser describes the process as the financial equivalent of stabilising Iraq.
- 另外一位顾问称,在金融上稳定这个过程,与稳定伊拉克一样困难.
- As an adviser to Kennedy and Johnson, Samuelson advocated tax cuts and the war on poverty.
- 作为肯尼迪和约翰逊总统的顾问, 萨缪尔森支持削减税收及向贫困宣战.
- It will also hire an independent financial adviser to the independent shareholders to provide relevant advice.
- 该委员会还将聘请一家独立的财务顾问,为独立股东提供相关的顾问意见.
- He is the adviser on legal affairs to our company.
- 他是我们公司的法律顾问.
- An independent adviser has been brought in to conciliate between the two sides involved in the conflict.
- 一位独立顾问被请来调停卷入冲突的两方.
- He is my legal adviser.
- 他是我的法律顾问.
- She needs a strong adviser to shake her out of her usual way of thinking.
- 必须有个强有力的劝说者来打动她,使她改变她那一贯的想法.
- She has virtually become our adviser.
- 她无形中成了我们的顾问.
- They employed me as an adviser.
- 他们聘请我当顾问.
- The President tried to hush up the fact that his adviser had lied.
- 总统试图掩盖他的顾问说谎的事实.
- We engage you as a legal adviser.
- 我们聘请你当法律顾问.
- He was constituted chief adviser.
- 他被任命为首席顾问.
- Our department has engaged a foreign teacher as phonetic adviser.
- 我们系已经聘请了一位外籍老师作为语音顾问.
- The duke was the king's most trusted adviser.
- 公爵是国王最信赖的顾问.
- We engage him as technical adviser.
- 我们聘请他担任技术顾问.
- He's a kind of unofficial adviser, but I'm not sure exactly what he does.
- 他 像 是个非官方顾问, 但说不好他究竟是干什么的.
- The community adviser gave us a caravan to live in.
- 社区顾问给了我们一间活动住房栖身.
- a special adviser to the President on education
- 总统的教育特别顾问
- An adviser said there was no reason why the two countries should remain at odds.
- 一位顾问说这两个国家不会一直这样争执下去。
- He was their adviser, confidant and father confessor.
- 他是他们的顾问、密友和倾听者。
- In 1937 he was seconded to the Royal Canadian Air Force in Ottawa as air armament adviser.
- 1937年他被临时调往渥太华的加拿大皇家空军担任军备顾问。
- Ring four two double two double two if you'd like to speak to our financial adviser.
- 如果想和我们的财务顾问通话,拨打422222。